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Meals in less than 30 minutes


The Challenge

Overview: Chew is a meal/recipe planner web application with a mobile app. The project focused primarily on making a website/app that allows users to find meals that are quick and easy. Chew was created from ideation to final product, through research and UX/UI design principles.

Duration: 5 Months (2020-21).

Methods: Surveys, Interviews, Personas, User flow, Task Analysis, Card Sorting, Usability Test, Wireframes, Prototyping.

Tools: Figma, Usability Hub, Miro.

Problem Statement: People of all backgrounds need a food website/app that is going to shorten the process of making meals after work. They also feel as though they do not have enough time to make healthy meals in a short amount of time.

The solution for Chew

Group 124-3.png
Group 69-9.png
Group 70-2.png
Group 126-6.png

UX Process

2. Define

1. Research



User Flow and Task Analysis

Site Map

3. Ideate

Low Fidelity Wireframes

4. Test

Usability Testing

5. Iterate

High Fidelity Wireframes: Design Changes



My biggest challenge was layout for the meals screen. Usability tests proved that the meal pictures were a bit too large, and there was issues with the layout of the descriptions. Chews main feature was to be able to select meals that are quick. I spent a lot of time creating iterations that would provide the users with content that was easy to understand, and that they could find the times of the meals easily.

What can be improved?

For this project, I wished that I branched out more with other programs. I think it is useful to have knowledge of all of the standard tools in the industry. My goal would be to expand upon a different variety of programs.

What’s next?

I spent a lot of time researching UI practices during this project, which was a my biggest struggle. For this project it was important to get the visual part working with my research. In the future, I’d like to expand upon this website/app so there is more functions apart of it.


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